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"La stella in più" by Elena Mora published in the Netherlands

Een ster erbij

The Dutch version of the Italian novel "La stella in più" by Elena Mora (published in Italy by CSA Editrice ) is finally available for the Dutch readers! The book has been translated from Italian into Dutch by Jen ... read more

"Het museum van gevonden voorwerpen" by Emma Zegers published in Italy

The Dutch young adult book, “Het museum van gevonden voorwerpen” by Emma Zegers (pseudonym of Femke Hendriks) published in the Netherlands by Dutch venture publishing was translated and released in Italy by CSA Editrice ... read more

"Sierf" by Mere Õie Kalle published in Estonia by publisher "Varrak"


The Italian young adult novel "Sierf - Le regole cambiano"("Sierf - The rules change ") by the Estonian author, Mere Õie Kalle (already published in Italy by the Italian publishing house Planet Book) has just been translated and ... read more

"Airport tales" by various authors to be published in Iran

The collection of short stories, "Airport tales", published in Italy by the Italian publishing house Homo Scrivens will soon be translated in Persian and published in Iran by the end of 2023. THE PLOT : The work is ... read more

"Sierf" by Mere Õie Kalle to be published in Estonia

The novel "Sierf - The rules change" by the Estonian author, Mere Õie Kalle (already published in Italy by the Italian publishing house Planet Book ) is about to be translated in Estonian and published in autumn ... read more

"The extra star" by Elena Mora to be published in the Netherlands

The extra star

The novel "The extra star" (already published by the Italian publishing house CSA Editrice under the title "La stella in più "), by the young Italian author, Elena Mora is expected to be translated in Dutch ... read more

"The subtle control" to be published in Malaysia

Davide Ferrante

The essay "The subtle control" (already published in Italy by the Italian publishing house, CSA Editrice, under the name "Il controllo sottile"), by Davide Ferrante will be published in Malaysia by a Malaysian publisher, in ... read more

"Vita and The book of the dead" to be published by a Belgian publishing house selling to Dutch-speaking countries

Vita and the Book of the dead

The novel "Vita and the book of the dead" (in Italian "Vita e il libro dei morti"), by Alessandra Cinardi, is expected to be translated in Dutch and published by a Belgian publishing house selling to ... read more

Publication in the UK

"Vieni via" (Come with me) by the Italian author Nicola Viceconti was published by an English Publishing House and it is now on the UK market.

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Great Britain - Tales from the Italian South

Racconti dal Sud

Publication in the UK of "Racconti dal Sud" (Tales from the Italian South) by the Italian writer Angelina Brasacchio.

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“Il fascino del Nü Shu” (Fascinating Nüshu)

Published in Italy “Il fascino del Nü Shu” (Fascinating Nüshu). Translation by Giulia Falcini.

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The Indian Publishing House Manoj Publications entrusts its series to IBA.


The Indian Publishing House Manoj Publications, dedicated to children’s publishing grants IBA the exclusive rights for the representation worldwide.

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Tsinghua University Press

IBA entered into a contract with the Chinese Publishing House Tsinghua University Press.

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THE BESTSELLER CODE - On the Italian market

Foto degli autori

"THE BESTSELLER CODE” by Matthew L. Jockers and Jodie Archer, printed in the United States of America, was published in Italy.


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  • IBA at the Salone del Libro 2024 in Turin

    Salone del Libro 2024

    Like every year, IBA attended the Rights centre at the Salone del Libro in Turin, Italy, from 9th to 11th May.

    The Salone is one of the most significant book fairs in Italy and it involves professionals working in the fascinating field of publishing from all over the world, but also readers and culture lovers.

    As usual, IBA attended the Rights center of the fair, representing some of the most creative Italian publishing houses (CSA Editrice, Planet Book, Aporema Edizioni, Armando Curcio Editore…) and presenting their books to foreign publishing houses and editors.

    IBA had meetings with about 25 publishing houses and literary agencies from all over the world (mainly from Iran, Germany and Switzerland) to whom it could present their titles. It was a profitable opportunity to know more about the interesting books proposed by other publishing houses as well.

    As always, the authors that aroused the foreign publishers’ interest the most were Elena Mora, Mere Oie Kalle, Philip Osbourne, Alessandra Cinardi and Giulia Falcini, but also our detective stories writer, Cristiano De Sciciolo with his Commissario Maselli investigations, just to cite a few names.

    We hope these new meetings will lead to successful exchanges in the near future.

  • Happy World Book and Copyright Day!

    World Book Day 2024

    World Book and Copyright Day is a celebration to promote the enjoyment of books and reading. Each year, on 23 April, celebrations take place all over the world to recognize the scope of books - a link between the past and the future, a bridge between generations and across cultures. On this occasion, UNESCO and the international organizations representing the three major sectors of the book industry - publishers, booksellers and libraries, select the World Book Capital for a year to maintain, through its own initiatives, the impetus of the Day’s celebrations. 

    23 April is a symbolic date in world literature. It is the date on which several prominent authors, William Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes and Inca Garcilaso de la Vega all died. This date was a natural choice for UNESCO's General Conference, held in Paris in 1995, to pay a world-wide tribute to books and authors on this date, encouraging everyone to access books.

    Source: UNESCO

  • Cairo International Book Fair 2024

    The Cairo International Book Fair stands as a major cultural event in the Middle East. Since its inception in 2006, it has consistently held the position of the world’s second-largest book fair, only eclipsed by Frankfurt’s esteemed counterpart. Each year, it draws roughly 2 million visitors, making it a significant literary event.

    This book fair began in 1969, coinciding with Cairo’s millennium celebration. The Minister of Culture at the time, Tharwat Okasha, had the vision to create a grand cultural event. He entrusted Suhair Al-Qalamawi, a notable writer and researcher, with organizing the first Cairo International Book Fair. In honor of Al-Qalamawi’s crucial role, the 2008 fair recognized her as the Person of the Year.

    Over time, the fair has evolved. Traditionally held during the mid-year school break, it used to conclude at the end of January at Nasr City’s Exhibition Grounds. However, by 2019, the event transitioned to the Egypt International Exhibition Center, situated in the burgeoning New Cairo. The fair now runs for 12 days, attracting publishers from the Arab world and beyond.

    A key highlight of the Cairo International Book Fair is its diverse offerings. Beyond the vast selection of books, the fair includes cultural seminars, cinema screenings, theater performances, art exhibitions, and music concerts. This variety ensures the fair appeals to a wide range of interests and artistic tastes.

    The fair’s influence goes beyond literature. It fosters cultural exchange and ignites intellectual dialogues. It offers a platform for diverse writers, publishers, and artists. With its rich heritage, the Cairo International Book Fair remains a key center for Middle Eastern literature and culture.

    The fair takes place at the Egypt International Exhibition Centre in New Cairo, from January 25 to February 6. Operating hours are from 10 am to 8 pm daily, extending to 9 pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Tickets are priced at EGP 5, and available on the fair’s official website and at the door. The fair encompasses five halls over 80,000 square meters, hosting 1,200 publishing houses from 70 countries and 5,250 exhibitors. This year’s guest country is Norway, with Egyptologist Salim Hassan and children’s book novelist Yaqub Sharuni honored as Persons of the Year. The program features 500 events.

    Please, visit the Cairo International Book Fair's official website for all the details and to get your tickets.

    Source: Riyadh Review of books

  • "Mio figlio. L'amore che non ho fatto in tempo a dirgli" wins an international contest in London

    Mio figlio

    The Italian book “Mio figlio. L’amore che non ho fatto in tempo a dirgli” by Marco Termenana published in 2021 by CSA Editrice has been awarded the first prize at the first edition of “The alchemy of poetry – Scrittori italiani a Londra” international contest by the “Irdi – Destinazionearte” Association.

    The jury was chaired by the literary critic, professor Eugenia Tabellione.

    The aim of the contest was to award the best Italian works (published and unpublished) in different categories (poetry, novels, essays).

    The prize-giving ceremony will be held at Hone Books Galore (Stepherd’s Bush Market, Shop #24, London) on January, 26th at 6 pm (London Time). The event will be hosted by Mrs. Grazia Depedri and will be live streamed online from the Facebook and Instagram pages of the book shop.

    Mio figlio. L’amore che non ho fatto in tempo a dirgli” is a true story that deals with delicate and important current issues, such as gender identity, love, the role of families in the lives of young people and suicide.

    The book (which has already won several national prizes) is based on the true story of Giuseppe’s suicide in Milan, in the night between the 24th and the 25th of May, 2014. Giuseppe was the 21-year-old son of the author. The aim of the story is to honour the boy’s memory and to help other parents to understand their children and to orient themselves in such difficult situations. The book analyses the causes of youth problems that can lead to suicide, through fragments of the boy’s short life, combined with moments of life of his father’s present. The backbone of the novel is divided into two main themes: gender identity and youth problems leading to self-destruction. Giuseppe was very reserved and introverted, to the point of choosing the voluntary isolation of hikikomori; he was a tormented kid, like many other kids these days, with huge doubts about his identity, to the point that he had created a second identity for himself: a young girl called Noemi. Bipolarity and self-isolation led him to not being able to see a future for himself and to ending it all. A book for parents, teachers, psychologists, educators and readers aged 13 years and above.

    Marco Termenana is represented in Italy and abroad by IBA, which congratulates Marco Termenana on his latest success. We are confident that this international award can be another great opportunity to raise awareness on this crucial topic abroad as well.
    Foreign rights for this book are available for all countries. Publishers interested in the purchase of the rights of “Mio figlio” can get in touch with the Foreign Rights department of IBA.

    Moreover, two big Italian film studios have commissioned the journalist and screenwriter Sarah Panatta to write the script for a possible film adaptation of the book.



    The author, Marco Termenana, Giuseppe’s father, has a degree in Political Science. He was born in Venice in 1958 – even though he has southern origins – and he started working as a journalist in Salerno. Since 1980 he has been a member of the Italian Journalist Order. In 1982, he moved to Milan, where he worked as a press adviser for companies in the field of informatics and high technology. At the moment, he works as an executive for a leading Italian company and travels throughout Italy to spread knowledge, to raise awareness on the topics covered on his book and to share his own personal experience in order to help young people and parents to deal with similar situations.

  • What people read around the world

    In the world of literature, there are many different types of books. Diverse genres cater to different consumers to meet a range of needs. Poetry appeals to certain readers, while mystery and romance appeal to others. But what are the most popular book genres and what do people read across the world?

    • Romance, classic, and poetry books are at the top of the list in popularity among readers worldwide.
    • You are far more likely to find classic books in the homes of English-speaking countries.
    • Horror books are the most popular book genre in Latin countries, whereas fantasy books are the most popular in Europe.
    • Asians searched on the internet for “poetry books” more than any other book genre.
    • The thriller novel genre rules supreme in Dutch-speaking countries, whereas Norwegian readers choose crime fiction above other genres.

    Read the full study conducted by the website "Studying in Switzerland" and published on Love paper -->

  • Guadalajara International Book Fair 2023

    Guadalajara International Book Fair

    Guadalajara International Book Fair 2023 is now taking place at Expo Guadalajara, Mexico, from November 25th to December 3rd, 2023.

    The Guadalajara International Book Fair is the most important publishing gathering in Ibero-America. It is also an amazing cultural festival. Created 37 years ago by the University of Guadalajara, the Fair is aimed at professionals and the general public alike, a characteristic that sets it apart from other book fairs around the globe. With business as one of its main goals, it is also a cultural festival in which literature plays a major role including a program where authors from all continents and languages participate, and a forum for the academic discussion of the major issues of our time.

    For nine days, people willingly stand in long lines to listen to their favourite authors, the book industry makes Guadalajara its beating heart and the whole city is filled with the music, arts, cinema and theatre from the featured Guest of Honor which this year is European Union.

    Click here for the complete programme.

    Visit the Guadalajara International Book Fair’s website for more information.

  • IBA present at the Salone del Libro 2023 in Turin

    Like every year, IBA could not miss the important event of the Salone del Libro in Turin which took place from 18th to 22nd May at the Lingotto area.
    The Salone is one of the most significant book fairs in Italy and it involves professionals working in the fascinating field of publishing from all over the world, but also readers and culture lovers.
    As usual, IBA attended the Rights center of the fair, representing some of the most creative Italian publishing houses (CSA Editrice, Planet Book, Aporema Edizioni, Armando Curcio Editore…) and presenting their books to foreign publishing houses and editors.
    This year was particularly interesting and fruitful, as many publishers (mainly from South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Canada and many more) showed their interest towards some of the titles presented by IBA. In particular, they were impressed by Elena Mora’s young age, success and works, or by Giulia Falcini’s manuscript about the Nushu, by the fantasy of Alessandra Cinardi with her “Vita” trilogy, by the authenticity of Angelina Brasacchio with her “Tales from the south” (already published in the UK) and “Tales from the oil mill”, but also by some books dealing with contemporary central issues like “Gaslighting”, “The strategic parent” and “The path”. These are just some examples of the books proposed abroad, so it is possible to assume that the negotiations started on those days at the Rights center will hopefully lead to some satisfactory results in terms of rights selling in the next few months.

  • Public call for funding the translation of Italian books and works abroad

    Translation grants

    The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation promotes the dissemination of Italian publishing and cinematographic works abroad by providing incentives to translation and dubbing/subtitling initiatives, as a strategic tool for promoting Italian language and culture abroad.

    The Foreign Ministry provides two types of financial incentives:

    • grant for the translation of an Italian literary work, which has not yet been published abroad, and for the production, dubbing and subtitling of short/feature-length films and TV series;
    • award to an Italian work already translated abroad.

    Proposals shall be submitted annually to the Italian Cultural Institutes and the Italian diplomatic and consular Mission abroad, according to the Call regulations and procedures.

    For the year 2023, it is intended to award five PRIZES in the amount of Euro 5,000 each:

    • 1 for the French language;
    • 1 for the English language;
    • 1 for the Spanish language;
    • 1 for the German language;
    • 1 for the Chinese language.

    Read the full public call guidelines -->

    Download the application form -->